******NEW RELEASE******
We Flew to Alaska…and You Can too! A Private Pilot’s Guide to Flying to Alaska by well-known aviation author Vic Syracuse and his wife, Carol. It includes a wealth of information gathered from 5 flights to alaska in an RV-10. Detailed routes along with flight planning, and links to customs and border crossing requirements. There are photos comparing EFIS/GPS displays to cockpit views, along with primary and alternate routes. The hardcopy book includes a free digital download so routes can be copied and pasted into ForeFlight. This book is 84 pages with lots of photos and charts. It includes routes in Alaska to see glaciers and icepacks. The book also shares suggestions for lodging, booking hotels, and parking at airports.
We are working with vendors to have this book in stock at aviation suppliers, but in the meantime, you can order directly from the publisher-LULU.
Price 69.65
We are happy to announce Aircraft Spruce is carrying our new Pilot’s Guide for flying to Alaska.Price:$69.95.
The link is:
Also, for those of you who prefer digital downloads, they are available at for $59.95:
It’s finally here! THE guide for all owners of Van’s RV aircraft, whether you built it or bought it. It is the culmination of 45 years of experience building, working, and maintaining RVs. The book has 151 pages, 443 color pictures, checklists, recommended tools list, and is spiral bound so you can easily use it in the shop. We are also providing it in digital format so you can read it at your leisure or while traveling. It will be as good as having Vic there looking over your shoulder. Purchase options are listed below the photos. Van’s Aircraft and Aircraft Spruce have them in stock. Overseas and digital options are also listed.

Van’s Aircraft has restocked the Maintenance Handbook for Van’s RV Aircraft. Price is $69.95.
Aircraft Spruce has added the Maintenance Handbook for Van’s RV Aircraft to their website for orders. They have copies in stock . Price is $69.95.
FOR OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS: offers print on demand services worldwide. They print in France, India, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. A quick look at their website shows they do not ship to Russia or Ukraine currently. If you are a non-US resident and want a hard copy of the book, they are your best option. We received positive feedback from international customers regarding Lulu when we published the last two books. US customers also can purchase from The price is $69.95 USD. Here is the link:
The digital copy is available for $59.95 from
Please note the digital version does not allow copy/paste, bookmarking or print functions. When downloading, it is best to do it to your iPad or laptop prior to your mobile phone. Please read this info on ejunkie regarding downloads to mobile phones.
Here is the ejunkie link for the Maintenance Handbook
Kitplanes Review:
RV Maintenance by the Book
Vic Syracuse’s latest guide is a must-have for RV owners.
One of the best things about Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft is that virtually anyone can maintain them. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. As Clint Eastwood said in the movie Magnum Force, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”
One limitation is that the annual condition inspection must be performed by a licensed A&P mechanic or the builder of the aircraft, assuming the builder holds the repairman certificate for that particular aircraft. Beyond that, all other maintenance tasks are fair game that can be performed by anyone, regardless of their qualifications or lack thereof.
That leads to a bit of a quandary: If you want to perform your own maintenance, how can you learn what tasks need to be done and how to do them correctly? If you own an RV, Vic Syracuse’s latest book, Maintenance Handbook for Van’s RV Aircraft, can provide the guidance you’re looking for.
Longtime KITPLANES® readers will certainly be familiar with the many columns about maintenance that Vic has written over the years. About two years ago he also wrote two books, Are Your Nuts Tight: Guide To Identifying Problems on YourAmateur-Built Aircraft and Pre-Buy Guide for Amateur-Built Aircraft. (You’ll find a review of both books in the January 2021 issue.)
According to Vic, “The first two books were all about discovery and what to look for during a prebuy inspection or during maintenance. This latest book is more of a ‘how-to’ book, helping everyone understand what to look for, how to fix it and how to maintain it. That’s a real win for owners—no one teaches them how to do the maintenance.”

What’s Covered
The short answer is almost everything! The 151-page spiral-bound book is divided into 10 chapters and nine appendixes. There are nearly 450 color photos, many with arrows pointing to telltale signs that will help you determine whether something is in airworthy condition or needs to be repaired or replaced. Vic also provides a detailed condition inspection checklist and complete lists of tools and consumables needed to conduct a condition inspection. Here are the major topics found in the book:
The Airframe: Wheels and brakes, including wheel bearings, tires, brake master cylinders and bleeding the brakes. There’s also a section on nosewheels and tailwheels. Other airframe topics include control surfaces and cables, aircraft lighting, canopies, cowlings and fairings.
Ignition Systems: Spark plug testing and maintenance, ignition wires, magnetos and electronic ignitions. An appendix covers timing differences between mags and electronic ignition systems.
Air Intake Systems: Filters, alternate-air doors, intake tubes, hoses and seals, cylinder oil drain-back tubes and valve rocker covers.
Fuel Systems: Gascolators, quick drains, fuel-flow sensors, valves and other components. Fixes for fuel pressure problems and leaking components are discussed in detail.
Oil Systems: How to do an oil change, including removing and installing filters, evaluating the condition of the oil and inspecting debris found in the filter. Also discussed are quick drains, Vernatherms and oil coolers.
Exhaust Systems: You’ll learn what to look for to make sure the exhaust system is functioning properly. It looks simple, but there’s plenty that can possibly go wrong, resulting in unsafe conditions.
The Engine: Engine mounts and isolators, baffling, control cables, nose seals, fuel lines and hoses. You’ll also learn about compression testing and what to do about potential problems like case leaks and cylinder base leaks, burnt valves and broken flywheel teeth. Two appendixes provide plenty of information on what to do when an engine won’t start.
Electrical: Batteries, wiring, starter solenoids and motors, alternators and emergency locator beacons (ELTs).
Propellers: Fixed-pitch, ground-adjustable and constant-speed props all require periodic inspections and maintenance. You’ll learn how to prevent small problems from turning into large problems.
Pitot-Static System: Another seemingly simple system that must be maintained and inspected on a regular basis to ensure your flight instruments are providing accurate information.

What Does Van’s Aircraft Say?
Vic’s book is available from the Van’s Aircraft online store. The product description notes that “RV inspection and maintenance guru (and builder) Vic Syracuse is always sought after for his knowledge, experience and expertise. His book takes you through many topics and potential ‘gotchas’ that RV owners need to know about when maintaining and inspecting their airplanes. We think you’ll find it useful each and every time you use it. It may just be the smartest $69.95 you spend this year!”
Vic likes to say that “Using this book is almost as good as having me look over your shoulder.” We agree that Maintenance Handbook for Van’s RV Aircraft is a terrific resource for anyone who works on RVs—including builders, non-builder owners and A&P mechanics.
You can order a copy from Van’s, Aircraft Spruce or Vic’s website, where you’ll also find a table comparing all three of Vic’s books.

The following books were released in 2020-
If you plan on maintaining your Amateur-Built aircraft, we recommend that you purchase the new Maintenance Handbook for Van’s RV Aircraft instead of the Are Your Nuts Tight book. The Maintenance Handbook includes solutions to the problems found in the Nuts tight inspection book.
Pre-Buy Guide For Amateur-Built Aircraft
Are Your Nuts Tight Guide to Identifying Problems On Your Amateur-Built Aircraft
If you need a Prebuy book immediately, see the PDF link at the bottom of the page for immediate download options.
A review in the January 2021 edition of Kitplanes
Customer review of Pre-Buy Guide to Amateur Built Aircraft:
“The knowledge in this book is invaluable to anyone shopping for an airplane, certified or not. I found myself looking at an experimental in the middle of nowhere and getting a pre-buy inspection was proving difficult. After downloading and devouring Vic’s book the day before, I walked into the hangar not sure what to expect. From the start I could hear Vic’s voice in the back of my head… “that’s not good, what about this, that is a warning sign, and on and on…”
Needless to say I walked away from the airplane and slept well that night! Thanks, Vic for saving me from a $59,000 mistake! This book is
over 100 pages of easy to follow, well written knowledge with hundreds of pictures. It covers gotcha’s from logbooks to aircraft systems to general thoughts on buying an airplane. This book won’t make you an A&P but it arms you with the knowledge to make an informed decision about walking away or moving on to a prebuy inspection. It’s a great resource, it’ll save you time and money during your search, and I highly recommend it.”
Vince W.
Aircraft Spruce is now carrying our two books:
Pre-Buy Guide for Amateur-Built Aircraft $129.95
Are Your Nuts Tight Guide to Identifying Problems on Your Amateur-Built Aircraft $74.95
Each book is also available in PRINT form on
International customers:
Link for Pre-Buy Guide to Amateur-Built Aircraft– price $125.50:
Link for Are Your Nuts Tight Guide to Identifying Problems on Your Amateur-Built Aircraft-price $59.95
Both books are also available in PDF form on Please be aware that editing restrictions on printing and copy/paste functions are in place. Bookmarking may also be restricted. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PRINT THE BOOK OR THE CHECKLIST
Link for PDF version for Pre-Buy Guide to Amateur-Built Aircraft– Price $125.50
Link for PDF version of Are Your Nuts Tight Guide To Identifying Problems on Your Amateur-Built Aircraft– Price: $49.95