We Flew to Alaska…and You Can too! A Private Pilot’s Guide to Flying to Alaska by well-known aviation author Vic Syracuse and his wife, Carol. It includes a wealth of information gathered from 5 flights to alaska in an RV-10. Detailed routes along with flight planning, and links to customs and border crossing requirements. There are photos comparing EFIS/GPS displays to cockpit views, along with primary and alternate routes. The hardcopy book includes a free digital download so routes can be copied and pasted into ForeFlight. This book is 84 pages with lots of photos and charts. It includes routes in Alaska to see glaciers and icepacks. The book also shares suggestions for lodging, booking hotels, and parking at airports.
We are working with vendors to have this book in stock at aviation suppliers, but in the meantime, you can order directly from the publisher-LULU.
Vic will be presenting a webinar for EAA on April 23, 2025: Vic and Carol Syracuse have flown their RV-10 to Alaska 5 times. In this presentation Vic will walk through the preparations, routing, and recommendations to help you have a safe and memorable trip to Alaska. For those in the lower 48, flying to Alaska is one of the most memorable flights you can make, and seeing Alaska from the air takes you places inaccessible by any other means.
Vic presented a seminar at Airventure on Flying Your Own Aircraft to Alaska. We had many requests for the slides from that presentation. Here is the presentation in pdf form: Please note these slides are under copyright protection. You may not use them for other than personal use and may not duplicate or share them.
As mentioned on one of the slides, if you choose the flex option when booking your room you can cancel up to the day of the reservation as well as leave early if needed. Please read all the rules as it is easy to miss the flex option.